I challenge you to a little food for thought:
Some things you can buy for $7.99 :
1 month of Hulu Plus
1 wedding magazine
1 Bridgestone golf ball.
Approximately 2 gallons of gas (depending on where you live maybe less gas!)
Approximately 2 gallons of Milk
Now, think of this, you can get 1 Economy Tushie Ties cloth diaper for just $7.99. Say this is the ONLY cloth diaper you have and you are using disposables the rest of the time. If you were to use that one diaper once a day and wash and reuse once a day, in one month you would have saved 30 disposable diapers at 25 cents each. That comes to $7.50 (plus tax) Your ONE cloth diaper nearly paid for itself in ONE MONTH. Every month after that your diaper is costing you NOTHING and you are saving $7.50 every month. Imagine if you have enough for every day all day! The savings are huge! All of the above items listed are used up. You don’t get to use them over. You by them once and are gone (or lost on the golf course lol!).Cloth diapering doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Just one diaper a day makes a difference! If you want to cloth diaper full time, you don’t have to buy all your cloth diapers at once. Buy one a month if you have to until you've built a big enough stash to stop using disposables entirely. After the first month with one cloth diaper, you've already saved enough to by another one the next month with out spending any extra!
If you want to cloth diaper full time, you don’t have to buy all your cloth diapers at once.kid clothes